Friday, August 1, 2008

My Mom

I have been thinking about my Mom a lot lately and have realized that her birthday is coming up soon, and hope that I will be able to handle it, it is her first birthday since her passing, and I really hope that I can keep my feeling intact. I don't know how to explain my Mom and my relationship, cause it was a weird one. I would call her up (when she lived in SLC) and the first thing she would say is " what the hell do you want now!!" But she didn't mean it badly. I would tell her that I had the day off and I wanted to go for a drive and wanted to know if she wanted to come along...her response "well...I have nothing better to do" (lol). So I would drive into Sugarhouse from Sandy and pick her up. We sometimes ended up just going to the store, library, or whatever, but mostly we would fill the gas tank up and drive up Emigration Canyon to the East Canyon road, over to I80 and back into SLC, but we weren't done there. One day we decided to do that, and then headed clear out to RoseCanyon, out in Herriman. We drove that road until we came to a dead end, or got stuck....roflmao. There was one time, in my little Dodge Shadow, we decided to go 4 wheelin'.....YEAH..I had fun, and got us a little stuck in between two trees and a ditch as I tried to turn around. I look over at Mom, and she says "hope the hell you know what you are doing, cause I ain't getting out and pushing you out of the damn ditch!" Well, to make a long story short, I was able to get us out of our little situation. As we were driving back into SLC, Mom looks at me and tells me "I knew you would get us out of there, just have to give you a hard time"..... I really miss those "Hard Times" that she would give me.
I know that if it weren't for our moving and her giving me a "hard time" that I would not be the person that I have become. (even though Deon would like me not to talk to everyone)
I just wanted to write this and say THANKS Mom, for everything!! You made me a good person, by raising us right, and pushing us to do better. I will always miss you and you will always be on my mind. You are very special to me and even though we didn't say it much (until the last few years) I love you!!!

1 comment:

Bea said...

You must really miss your mom.I know I would.Well that was the sweetest thing I read. Well I'm sure you really miss those hard times.