Wednesday, July 23, 2008


So...I went to the interview and did just fine. But at the end they started saying how you are monitored every second of every day that you are there and that if you are even a minute late the counsel you on this. Also that you can't take any time off the first 8 months that you are there. Well that would be fine but we all know how busy my life is, I have a sister having a baby in October and a friend in California that is getting married in March, and I also will get to see my Dad while we are in California. So, of course, this means I have things to do and places to be in the next 8 months and my family is very important to me, so NO if they call me back, I will not be taking the job there. So, in a nut shell, I am still looking for a new job and if anybody hears of anything, let me know.

1 comment:

Suusi said...

Well all of that sounds pretty general for call center work I have done. I think where you still have a good job you have no reason to rush into a job you may not like... so take it easy and keep looking!!