Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I guess it's about time!!

I have been getting grief from some of my friends how I don't post enough on my and Deon's blog, so I am going to try harder to get it done.
A few things have happened lately....
1. Deon got his pup, Sarge(aka BUG) that is my nickname for him. He is so darn cute and such a handful that I don't know if I want to kiss him or tranquilize him. He has so much more energy than Stormy did at that age and he is a lot bigger than her at this age too. But what great dogs I have. I love them to pieces. Deon says that we will never be able to go on vacation again unless we can find places that they can go to too. LOL!!
2. I got to have my 3 of my sister's kids down from Idaho for a week. Sarah, Noah and Adam...and we had a good time with them. We went to the zoo, to Hanna to see my friend Jean, to the park and lazed around the house. On Thursday, the day before they came home, Aaron came and stayed with us, and it was great seeing him too. Penny and Neil got to do delivers in the semi and have a night alone for once. hehehehee...she's already pregnant so don't worry about that.
But mostly, besides work, we are trying our hardest to get this house all set up and organized. We have been here for pretty much two months now and our garage is still full to the ceiling with our stuff. I may have to hire a cleaning crew to help me get through it all. Any volunteers????
So there, I have published something on here and have nobody to really read it cause I can't figure out how to send invites out to my site. What a loser I am!!! lol


Suusi said...

Tell me the weekend and I'll be part of a cleaning crew!!

Fran and Deon said...

I knew you would volunteer are still working on your house though. It's such an ongoing process

Suusi said...

Definitely on going...ours will NEVER be done! So might as well work on one that will show improvements :D

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Glad your posting again! As for the dogs...just find some nice person you know and trust to come and house sit while you are on vacation...then all will be happy.

Now we need more pictures of you lovely new home inside and out side and you unpack and make it yours!!! Can't wait to see them!


Fran and Deon said...

Me?!? Leave my dogs?!?! that is funny. I only leave them home when I go to work and if I could take them with me I would