I got really excited the other day when I went out into the yard and started noticing the daffodils and crocus starting to pop up from the cold ground. The first picture is of the daffodils on the north side of my house and the second one is out in the front yard where the daffodils and crocus are starting to come out.
I know it is kind of a boring picture, but it excites me that the bulbs are starting to grow and will be blooming soon. But we all know that winter is not over in Utah, we get snow clear into June at times.
I got Myrtle from our friends Gordon and Mary for my birthday last year, when I told them that I wanted to find a turtle to have in my backyard. ( I want a real box turtle or land turtle, but Myrtle will do until I find a real one I can afford, so keep an eye out for me).
Hope you all enjoy the pics and hope that you all start seeing the first signs of spring in your neck of the woods soon too.
Just in time for snow to blanket the entire area, eh?
I'm hoping for at least another two snowy days before spring...keeping my fingers crossed!
No...I don't want any more snow...I am so loving the warm weather
Hi Fran this is your Cuz Orritt
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