Monday, December 15, 2008

Santa Claus

The dogs weren't too sure of having Mrs. and Mr. Sadnta over to the house, but thankfully they realized it was Deon's parents and were good sports about it, after a little bit. Here is Stormy, she was trying to take Santa's glove off.

Here she is posing, (kind of). Notice her belly, she loves her potatoes.

Sarge tried to escape at the beginning, but he didn't get too far, because as you can see in the next picture, Mrs. Santa got a grip on him.

I have to admit that these pups are our babies. I think these dogs have little people in them. Everybody that I talk to that owns one, says the same thing. I know, I am insane!!


Suusi said...


Oh good lord, those were fun.

Suusi said...

And PS, love Giz hiding in the back :]

Fran and Deon said...

Yeah...Giz wanted to be in the picture too. LOL>...

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Those are cute!!!

Now where is my Christmas card...Terriebeth and TJ got one but Tabitha and us did not...

What is up with that??

Fran and Deon said...

I mailed you a card the same day as the probably threw it away...ahahahahahahaaaaa....
Let me know if you don't get it and I will send you another one.

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Weird...we sent post cards to the kids from Vegas one year and some of them didn't get here for 6 months! Weird!

Suusi said...

I think Santa is feeling a pinch this year, you know after laying off all those elves and reindeer, I heard Cupid's working as a wagon puller at the local farm.

So yeah, Santa just hasn't gotten the letters he normally would...

So he's hoarding Christmas cards. Has some evil people in those post offices ;] He's using his special dust to get things re routed to him. Don't be surprised if it's open when it does get there!

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Oh so that is where my card went!! Hummmmmmm well at least someone is getting it ;o)