Thursday, October 8, 2009


It's starting to seem to me that this fall and winter season are going to be rough. In the last 3 weeks, I have I had the same head cold twice, and feel like my head is being squeezed between two vice grips. I just hope that things get better soon because we are headed out on the deer hunt on the 16th of this month, and it would suck to be ready to pull the trigger and sneeze, and scare the deer away or worse yet, shoot myself in the foot. We have been having such weird weather already here in Utah, and I really hope that we don't get snowed in while on the deer hunt. It wouldn't be too bad, but I don't like snow or being cold.
So wish us luck that we both or one of us get our deer, and that we don't get too bad of weather, and Pray that I don't sneeze and shoot myself in the foot. Oh the thoughts that run through my head when I don't feel well.
Love and miss my family lots!!!!


Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Ha,ha,ha!! Thanks for the laugh!!! I could just see you sneezing and scaring the deer...but not shooting your foot.

I wish you lots of luck and stay warm!!

Suusi said...

Awww Fran, just think of how warm you can the car, in a store, in your own home. Those things are what make winter wonderful for me! Knowing I can get warm, and being out in the cold. I'm with you though...I've had the same chest/head cold for the past month. It comes and goes, but stays pretty constant. I'm getting my flu shot this year...maybe not H1N1...but a flu shot definitely.

Thinking of you a lot...I miss you! Hope you feel well enough we can hang out soon!

And take a warm blanket...I will be surprised if you aren't snowed on at the deer hunt!

Fran and Deon said...

thanks for the words of encouragement. Let's hope we don't get snowed in, but we will be in the trailer with blankets, and the puppies have their coats too